Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Foundation Typography

I will be blogging about FOUNDATION typography. haha wonder why i capitalize the word FOUNDATION? because i am a beginner to typography. There's alot of professional out there which is good at typography and its their major career to earn . 

The followings are the typography work i did for my 2D Fundamentals 

the followings are my A3 assignments which is graded :X

my first attempt
Unfortunately i got a rejection for this and i am asked to redo

my second attempt

and TADAAA my third attempt and i am satisfied with it yay 

Friday, September 19, 2014


Today i will be blogging about juxtaposition . A new word i have learnt today which define as two unrelated objects that when united create a new meaning .

The following are the examples of juxtaposition :

i wish i will come out brilliant idea as the above . : ( have to start brainstorm on what to do for my last 3D project , juxtaposition. Its for the assessment too !!! :( : (

Thursday, September 11, 2014


today i will be blogging about kirigami. I wonder if you guys know what's kirigami, but its my first time to come across that word or what i can say is my first time gaining soo much knowledge about kirigami and i appreciate the art of kirigami.

Does it sounds similar to origami? It's not the same .

Definition of Kirigami : Kirigami (切り紙?) is a variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper (from Japanese "kiru" = to cut, "kami" = paper), rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami. It is also called "Kirie" (切り絵). From "Kiru"= to cut, "e"= picture.
Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then cut; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. Kirigami are usually symmetrical, such as snowflakes, pentagrams, or orchid blossoms. ( source from wikipedia )

These are the examples of Kirigami .

Usually kirigami are used to make pop up cards. 

I am really interested with the knowledge of kirigami so, i tried it out myself. 
The paper i used are 2 pieces of 120gsm A3. One function as the base and the second one pasted one top of the base. 

The top veiw of my first attempt on kirigami

the side veiw . 
p/s ignore my terrible messy table 

i wish to do more kirigami if i have extra time of my own, which i mean sem break maybe? HAHA